21 January 2012

Eggy Brioche with Beans

♬ 'At Last' By Etta James

You know what?

I'm glad January is nearly over, bring on February when questions about life, and standing on the bathroom scales have been cut down to a minimum. Seriously some of last years actions have been slapping me in the face this month! No more dwelling just have to get on with 2012, boxercise more and eat less chocolate. I suppose what doesn't help was drinking gin for a stupid amount of time and eating lamb yesterday, and yes I'm paying for it today - head is sore and brain feels slower than usual. Never again.

Try dipping a brioche slice into an egg mixture for an indulgent start to the weekend, I know, I know as if a brioche doesn't have enough butter and eggs! This will cure the sore head: that's if a gin and tonic was your best mate last night.



2 eggs
4 slices of brioche
Dash of milk


: Beat the eggs, pour in a splash of milk.
: In a small frying pan, add a tiny bit of butter.
: Once butter has melted, dip one piece of brioche into the egg mixture and place slowly in the frying pan.
: After 30 seconds flip over, and fry the other side for the same amount of time.


Serve with beans, or with a sweet partner - berries.

Favourite Song:

ê'At Last' and ' I Just Want To Make Love To You' By Etta James