20 February 2013

Breakfast Cuppa's

'When Fish Ride Bicycles' by The Cool Kids

 I discovered an old play list and have been refreshing my ears with the sound of hip hop for most of the day, then I had a Florence Welch break (pretty standard). While I was adjusting to hip hop lyrics in the kitchen there was an urge to bake. When there's no milk, fruit, toast, or even motivation to make eggs and pancakes for breakfast, I have to leave my cute little kitchen and buy something. It's a nightmare.
Those days are gone.
 Now, maybe your thinking the thought of eating a cupcake in the morning is mortifying and unhealthy - wrong, there's no butter cream in sight!  With this recipe you will see yourself adding goodness, fibre and even more goodness. 

Get the oven on and be a cool kid. These are perfect to store for a few days and top with yoghurt before serving.

 Makes 12 in muffin cases.


125g butter
100g caster sugar
2 large eggs
100g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
50g oatbran

1 tbsp runny honey
50g pumpkin seeds
25g sunflower seeds
25g poppy seeds
20g goji berries
2 tangerine zest (keep to one side to squeeze juice)


Greek yoghurt
Blackcurrant or strawberry jam


 Preheat oven 180°c and line cupcake tin with cases.
: Cream butter and sugar then whisk in eggs.
: Fold in everything else.
: Fill cases most of the way up and bake for 20 minutes.
: Once out the oven, prick each cake with a fork and squeeze tangerine juice on each one.
: Leave out to cool completely.
: Once you are ready to eat one or hand a few out, mix a teaspoon of jam with yoghurt and spoon two teaspoons on each cake. 

Drizzle a bit more honey and then your sorted!

Favourite songs
These have most definitely surged a complaint from the neighbours!
'Sour Apples'

One more tiny bit of detail:
I'm not pushing for everyone to eat cakes for breakfast, try these once in a while or pack them for a snack.