19 March 2013

Avocado and Spinach Spread

'Devotion' by Jessie Ware

A month of recuperating is over and I'm back into the mix. Most importantly I got my mojo back, which means I'm ready to blog and vlog more crazy food ideas. Hope each one of you in England have managed to escape this dreary monstrosity we call spring. I was even contemplating a sun bed last week, then opted for Ibiza and Italy this summer. There has been a total lack of inspiration on my part hence no blogging, someone please bring the sun to London, otherwise I might contemplate emigrating to Rio de Janeiro. 
 If there's no sunshine coming this way, then I will simply create my own magical light. Starting off with today's breakfast on a pretty plate with a flower. I love avocado and spinach, both are brilliant for giving back vital vitamins, minerals and protein after a hard core Bikram yoga, running and boxing session. Serving this for breakfast might turn a few noses due to the colour, but lets face a few home truths - healthy food is a mixture of vibrant colours. Basically get the rainbow on your plate.

Avocado and spinach spread - not dip. 
The consistency and texture of these ingredients make it suitable for spreading and would be quite runny to qualify as a dip. I mean this is my opinion, maybe give it a go and see what you think.


1 large ripe avocado
150g fresh spinach leaves
1 teaspoon mascarpone


Basically wilt spinach and put in blender with scooped avocado and mascarpone. 

Leave in fridge until cool and spread on toast. Keep in a cute container and use on jacket potatoes, in wraps on pancakes, basically whatever your heart desires.

Boil an egg for 5 minutes and get dipping these green soldiers.


This weeks repetitive song:

▶ 'Running'