Last night I felt like baking, not just one cake but a few. I started at 11pm and finished at 1am.
It started like this:
I get in switch oven on and turn to 200°C. Radio one is also a bonus it keeps me moving around the kitchen.
Healthy Carrot Cake
200g Wholemeal self raising flour
Small orange zest and its juice
150g butter at room temperature, pop in the oven in a bowl for a few mins.
200g grated carrots (2 big carrots)
50g chopped walnuts (put them in chopper or blender for 5 seconds)
One chunk of stem ginger chopped finely with a teaspoon of is syrup
Half a teaspoon of ginger powder
1 tsp baking powder
250 g light brown muscovado sugar
50g raisins
Half teaspoon of cinnamon
Get two bowls, motivated attitude, whisk and tablespoon ready!
In one bowl whisk the butter and sugar, add eggs one at a time beat properly until all one colour. Add the zest, juice, carrots, ginger powder, cinnamon, stem ginger and syrup.
In the second bowl sieve the flour and then put the bran bits back in and stir. Add the baking powder, raisins and nuts. Tip these ingredients into the first bowl and stir slowly, scrape everything from the sides.
It’s not going to look nice in the bowl, and should be quite thick.
Pour this into a greased square cake tin with removable base (20cm, 8 inch). If you don’t have the right sizes don’t worry. Just make sure the tin is fairly deep and you can take it out after. Line it with baking paper if you want.
Top shelf oven for 30minutes. Test after 30mins only with a butter knife to see if it comes out clean.
Leave to rest out of the oven. Cover with greaseproof paper and let it sleep.
This morning I did not get my bowl of bran flakes ready, instead I filled it with 280g light Philadelphia, tablespoon icing sugar, half teaspoon of vanilla essence and a squeeze of orange juice. Whisking away I thought I might have put too much orange juice in!
So be careful, maybe one teeny drop. Just BEFORE serving add orange and yellow smarties. Second mistake was adding them too early...well it looks artistic.