6 November 2011


'Into The Light' By Chris De Burgh

I was a lady in a red striped dress last night at my local karaoke bar, and when a brave guy sang his heart out to 'Lady In Red' I hid in the corner as the locals joined in and sang their hearts out to anyone - even wearing a red badge.

With a slightly sore head this morning and Chris De Burgh still ringing in my ears I decided to make a batch of granola, with a dash of cranberries just to keep the red theme going...

Is granola fatty and bad for you? Once I started making this I didn't see the big deal, it contains seeds, oats and honey! (and yes maybe a few more things)

Recipe for 10 servings, takes 30 minutes and 15 minutes to prepare.


300g rolled oats
1 tbsp golden honey
2 tbsp vegetable oil
20g sunflower seeds
20g pumpkin seeds
50g dessicated coconut
1 tsp Manuka honey
1 tsp vanilla essence
50g dried cranberries
50g raisins


Preheat oven 200°c

: Line a small baking tray with greaseproof paper.
: Mix the honeys, essence and oil in a large bowl.
: Add the oats, seeds and mix well. The mixture should look sticky but don't worry it will separate once baked, the oil help this happen.
: Spread on tray and bake for 15 minutes.
: Then take out and add the raisins, coconut and cranberries - use a spoon to mix them in well.
: Back in the oven for a further 15 minutes until golden brown.

< Serve with your choice of fruit and yoghurt, the rest can be stored in a container for one month in a cupboard.

Next Time:

You could add a variety of seeds, yoghurt's and dried fruits - I only worked with what I had. For a more luxurious granola try adding macadamia nuts and dark chocolate.

Now what's for lunch?!