14 November 2011


♬ 'Music Of The Sun' By Rihanna

Dinner was a Thai red chicken curry and will be on the blog tomorrow with a shopping list,  once I can get the right lighting to take a decent photo! These dark 6pm evenings are a nightmare to capture my delicious dishes and if it could my iphone would shed a tear.

When blogging this week I will be listening to the beauty above.  An extravagant move; all due to the fact that something BIG is happening this weekend that involves Rihanna, myself and maybe a few chocolate brownies.

Excited? I AM.

Now I know how Charlie Bucket felt when he found the golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. Like all his Christmas' came at once and he knew this opportunity would NEVER come again. The boy was genuine, down to earth and got his reward in the end - I really hope this is the case for moi.

What's about to happen and what I will see is going to be surreal.
