24 July 2011


The world has lost an incredibly talented lady.

I'm listening to 'Cupid', one of my favourite Amy covers.

If I hear her any of her songs I will still smile but feel a pinch of sadness, because even though she kept a low profile for a while, I always thought she would be around.

I sometimes forget what you see is not what you get; you never know what's really happening behind those big beautiful eyes.
So last night in Manchester I had a few glasses of wine to commiserate music’s great loss.

I'm not going to go into detail about her life, and all that jazz other writers are aiming for. I'm sure her family don't need to read or hear anyone making judgements about someone close to their hearts.

From her music, her hair, down to her eyes, she made a big impact and always will every time I play one of her albums. I will keep on listening to her, and still practise applying my top liner.

Her voice will still fill my kitchen and I'm sure she is in a good place sitting on a cloud, eating a cupcake smiling down on us.

My thoughts go out to her family and close friends.
