3 July 2011

Black Eyed Bean Curry

Album 'THE E.N.D. ( THE ENERGY NEVER DIES) Black Eyed Peas 2009

These guys were amazing, they are like a hit machine I felt like I was in one of their videos. But chances of that are pretty slim, my legs are still aching from the dancing! Imagine if that did happen...my cake eating days would be over.

I'll stick to cycling, running and yoga and see if that gets me in a video, you know I would be on 'Chicken Tonight' if it was still on TV.

They are incredibly cool and worth going to see.

Moving on to food....

I needed something spicy and sweet today, totally over did it on the festival food, so needed a taste of home cooking.

Serves 4
Takes one hour, because the parsnips need to soften.

Chorizo sliced in chunks, however much you want
Sundried tomatoes in oil
Can of organic chopped tomatoes
Black eyed beans (either from a can or soaked overnight)
Half an onion
Vegetable oil 2 tbsp
One garlic clove chopped
Half a green chilli deseeded
One parsnip peeled and diced.
Black pepper
Jasmine rice 120g (40g per person)
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp garam masala
Coriander (of course! I can't eat a curry without it)


Add oil, fry onions, garlic, and chilli.

Then the parsnip


Keep on a really low heat all the time


Add the three powders...yellow, red and brown
When I used to watch my mum cook that's how I remembered it!

Can of tomatoes
Fill can with water and add to the pan

Lid on

Get the rice on, boil water first then add the rice. Keep on a low heat and test to see if done after 15 minutes. Drain and put back in the pan.

In the last 10 minutes add the chorizo and 4 chopped sundried tomatoes to the bean pot.

Serve with coriander and rice.

Add this and that, it's the most popular word on all my posts! I'm just not into 'trying' to use different words just for the sake of sounding professional. Using the thesaurus at school for an essay was very helpful but it took the essence of the writing away.

At least on my blog I can write however I want.

If I said ' incorporate, contribute, toss, beef up, include, hook on' my friends would crack up.

Anyway have a great breakfast tomorrow and let me know when you try the recipe whilst listening to the album above.

It will make cooking it a lot more enjoyable.