15 July 2011

Beat It

Album 'The Essential Michael Jackson' 2005

Want an album to get you grooving first thing? this is it.
I slept in for a while this morning, but hey I deserve it. Having a week off from nannying I thought what better make good use of this time! I was so excited about breakfast that when I did open the fridge ONE EGG was staring straight back at me.

Slightly frustrated.....hold on 'Got To Be There' is on. Some songs are just not suitable for a single lady first thing in the morning..next track please.

whisked egg with a splash of milk
poured in frying pan
put some spinach on top
cherry tomatoes
chopped some chorizo in chunks
grated some cheddar when ready to serve, I could grate for a lot longer but had to hold myself back. So STOP when you think it's enough.

Looks slightly greasy in the picture because I drizzled some olive oil. And of course if breakfast is fried it simply has to be a bit greasy.

Have a great start to the weekend,
