29 July 2011

The Suitable Partner

Album 'The Best of Nelly Furtado' 2010

Favourite songs ' Powerless' and 'Turn off the lights'

I know this will be a good match

Not many people get this chosen for them

I could serve tea and see everyone's reaction

A recipe that won't be a disaster

It will work out well if I want it to

It's the perfect match

A marriage made in heaven.

IT = Scones with jam and clotted cream of course.

What else were you thinking?

500g Allinson nature friendly plain flour
100g Billington's golden caster sugar
25g baking powder
100g raisins
125g soft anchor butter
2 organic medium eggs
50ml buttercream
50ml rice milk

OR 100ml full milk

Oven 180°c
Flour and baking powder in a bowl, rub in butter

Add the sugar, raisins and rub in some more

Add the eggs, buttercream and enough rice milk to bring the dough together.

Roll on a lightly floured surface, about 2cm thick and cut out 8 scones.

Make sure there is a decent space between each of them, otherwise you could have a scone cake.

Bake for 15-20 minutes

Served with my Macblack raspberry jam and Rodda's clotted cream.

Home made jam and Cornish clotted cream is the perfect mate for a scone.
