18 April 2012

Double Chocolate Blueberry and Lemon Muffin Tops

Two shots I couldn't make my mind up about, so both are on since the cakes looks so damn pretty.

I am so annoyed. I typed this post late last night thinking it was all sorted and then realised my internet  connection was fluctuating and being a nuisance. Now I'll try not to make this post about how frustrated I am with the company Talk Talk. I will spare you the fury and try to capture last nights essence….

'Platinum & Gold Collection' by Next

A random album for a Tuesday, I know, but it's always on at the boxing club and makes me smile and skip just that tiny bit faster. You have to understand why I had to get it on in the kitchen, memories of ham sandwiches, salt and vinegar crisps and snickers at the lunch table at school, while I peered over to the boy who never looked at me on the opposite table. Despite the school crush, during this song I remember occasionally buying a snickers bar after school! Not the healthiest after school snack you can have, but it always tasted so good after hard day of reading 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell.

My baking frenzy has definitely calmed down after Easter, even though I love to bake I learnt I have to control myself and the use of the oven! And lets face facts, who is actually hungry for cake? It's a luxury mini meal with a cup of tea. Typing that I had a cup of tea ready and needed something to tide me over. I wanted to make muffins, but did not have a suitable tin to hand, so used a cupcake tin and created these beauties which are not as bulky, and halfway between a muffin and a cake.

▶ Recipe for 12 cakes or if you do have a muffin tin, this recipe makes 6 massive hefty muffins.


125g plain flour
50g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 large egg
60g sugar
60g butter
100ml milk
100g smashed chocolate easter eggs, even the bits at the bottom of the box! Or you can use chocolate chips.
150g blueberries
1 tsp lemon zest 

500g icing sugar
1tbsp water
pinch of lemon zest
Extra blueberries
Nutella or any chocolate spread.


Preheat oven to 180°c.
: Rub the butter in the flour and sugar until it looks like breadcrumbs.
: Pour the egg and milk, stir slowly.
: Add the cocoa powder, baking powder, zest, blueberries and smashed chocolate. Stir with a butter knife, cutting through the mixture so it can get the muffin cracked effect once baked. Try not to over stir, the aim is to under stir it.
: Scoop in the cases and bake for 25 minutes.
: Once risen and cracked, take out the oven and let them cool.
: Make the icing with the extra lemon zest, this is the ingredient that will give the muffin a bit of a pizzazz.
: Dip blueberries in Nutella to stick on top, just so everyone knows what's in the muffin.


Favourite Song:

ê 'Wifey'