6 April 2012

Mediterranean Stuffed Tomatoes


'Come Around Sundown' by Kings of Leon

I have Kings of Leon on in the background and a belly full of Indian food. Yes I gave in! I couldn't stay away from curry for more than 4 days. What a disgrace, but if you saw the lamb curry yesterday, it was waiting for me to scoop it up with a nice buttery chapati. Listen you have to sympathise with me on this, being at home mainly involves eating curry, and breaking away from that tradition is strange! Another tradition we had was to make toast on the grill, for years my parents refused to invest in a toaster! Every morning we had to keep an eye on the toast, because those extra minutes meant gold and buttery or burnarama. 

The juicy and plump tomato you are licking your lips at, was served this morning with poached egg on toast (obviously made on grill), and asparagus.  We are never short of tomatoes in my mums house as its a staple in most of her curries. An Incredibly succulent and satisfying start to the day, full of mediterranean flavours like olive oil, herbs, basil and of course the tomato.Eating this was an excuse to eat well before I consume my body weight in chocolate this weekend. I want to pick it up from the screen!
 Try as a starter or a make a whole tray of them for a bbq.

Get the grill fired up, here's the recipe:

Feeds 3
Time taken: 15 minutes

3 medium tomatoes
4 teaspoons of cream cheese (Philadelphia)
5 large basil leaves, chopped.
Extra virgin olive oil
2 tsps Herbes De Provence


: Wash the tomatoes. 
: With a small sharp knife, cut out a small hole at the top and then keep on cutting in. Scoop out some of the seeds. 
: In another small bowl add 1 tbsp of oil, include the herbs and mix well.
: Drizzle over the tomatoes.
: Grill on the middle shelf for 15 minutes.
: While they are on the grill, make the filling by mixing the cream cheese and basil with a fork. Season if you wish.
: Once the tomatoes are done, take off the grill carefully and with two teaspoons fill them.
: Put a few extra basil leaves on top and you should be a happy bunny.


This time last year:

Favourite song from album:

ê 'The Immortals'