1 April 2012


'Music' by Madonna

Every Friday morning I unleash my vocals while in the shower. I feel utmost sympathy for my housemates, who probably dig their heads deeper in their cushions as I sing 'don't tell me' by Madonna. More people should sing. When the sun decides to unwrap its cling film and reveal its golden rays, I find a lot of cyclists singing around Hackney, it's beautiful. This slightly random introduction stems from the best Friday I just experienced.

This post is about one thing and one thing only.


I can't take it anymore. I've been eating it non stop for the past week, my body wants coriander garnished on everything, I was even tempted to have it in an omelette this morning! For the next seven days I will steer clear of Gujarati spices, open my mind and venture out to other cultures that will refresh my senses. Japanese, Moroccan, Thai, American, Danish, Italian, French, Turkish and so many other flavours I will delve into, (these places are also on my places to visit before I'm 40 list).  I'm quite excited and a bit dubious as my pretty spice tin will be pushed to one side.

 Not having curry for a week will be a big deal. If anything I craved anything but curry when I used to get back from school. My parents were at work and there would be a big pot of meat or vegetable curry ready to be heated up, and some cold chapatti's. However I put the grill on and happily ate cheese on toast with oregano and Tabasco. A heavenly combination. Funny isn't it, that as a kid I always wanted something opposite to what I had. Now I'm grateful for having a roof over my head, mums lamb curry and a few pairs of Vivienne Westwood shoes!

An interesting week ahead. Let me know what other dishes you like to cook if you like me are on a curry break, or if I should try a particular dish.


This time last year:

⤵ A heavy fry up...

Favourite Song:

ê 'I deserve it' by Madonna
