2 June 2011

5ive Will Make You Get Proud Now...

When I get an idea about a blog post or recipe I whip out the iPhone and start typing in my notes.

Notes, lifesaver.
Predictive text annoying.

So here is what I typed coming back from Ibiza....

You know the feeling on one of these cheap flights, it's two hours and you nap. When you wake up, your mouth is all dry and you can't use the bathroom because they charge you £1.

Yes I feel like that, but inspired to write because I don't want to look at the girl next to me she looks like she is going to heave up something.

O gosh...Where is that pound....

Remember the band 'Five'? I had the hots for Richie...I have some weird crushes.

To this day my friend Clare won't live down my crush on Jackie Chan. Serious ..all his own moves in most of his films...impressive for his age!I can just about jump down four steps without twisting my ankle.

I wonder if I've had my 5 today..

Five a day,hard work isn't it....try looking after kids and getting them to see it's important.

It's 6pm and so far:

Half an avocado
1 Banana
1 apricot
1 carrot

What does this add up to? Yes you will find out I am pretty slow at maths. I think I'm going to go for 4 out of my 5 a day (it was just the avocado messing with my head)

You only have to eat 5 lovely things and I think it's pretty important. Mixing fruit and vegetables can be fun and delicious. Try a simple stir fry or raw salad for dinner with a glass of pure juice (concentrated is cheaper but awful).

When I land I want to eat something that contains potatoes.

The trolley that went passed didn't offer any fruit and veg. And the only magazine they offer is OK, honestly I am so bored of seeing Cheryl Cole.

I think the message here is eat responsibly, spotify Five, and spend a bit more money when booking a flight anywhere in Europe.

Sent from my iPhone