Album 'Get Lifted' John Legend
This was my stall at the Clapton Festival :)
I baked from 8pm - 4am, it was tough on my own but it had to be done because I knew this festival could make me or bake me.
And it did both:
People were impressed with the layout and appearance
The cakes containing fruit sold out first
Some even came back for more
Competition was stiff
Nearly everyone who sold cake ALSO sold juice
If I rocked up with curry, fresh salads, or sandwiches I would have been the one and only.
The cakes sold really well, the weather stayed bright and it was nice meeting other locals.
I realised with so many of the same thing, people like to shop around and see what looks good and check prices.
Definitely a few lessons learnt...
Flour less Chocolate Cake

Almond Sponge with mascarpone and cherry jam

Almond Sponge with mascarpone and cherry jam
One being no more cake selling I'm afraid.
Loads of people do it, and I love baking but I'm not Mita the Cakey!
Time for market research
Time to take a risk
Buy some time then go in and make the impact that I want.
Thankyou to everyone who expressed support and helped me prepare for this.
Especially to my brothers and two wonderful helpers Emily and Nathalie
Big Love