19 June 2011

Lady Marmalade

Album 'Moulin Rouge' 2001 Various Artists

So many clementine's in my fruit bowl, I have been neglecting them. Make sure you sterilize the jar!

I put mine in the dishwasher then submerged it in boiling water.

Making jams, marmalade's and chutneys can also make use of ingredients that are about to go off.

And they make lovely gifts.

Clementine and Brandy Marmalade:

500g scrubbed, peeled and seeds out
400g granulated sugar
juice of two lemons
zest of half a lemon
2 1 tbsp brandy

Boil the clementines in a pan full of 900ml water, bring to the boil then simmer

Let this happen for 30 minutes

After add the sugar, lemon juice and zest

Boil for 20 minutes

Then scoop into a jar and seal, leave in a dark cupboard until you use it.