9 August 2011

Spicy Spaghetti

About a Boy [Soundtrack] by Badly Drawn Boy

Yesterday I wanted to pack my bags and move to Ibiza, the weather is great and I love having a siesta!

Back to reality...woke up in Dalston this morning and wanted a good yoga session after an earful of police sirens throughout the night. 
On the way back, I cycled through Hackney to see the effects from last night - still looked the same on the outside.

Reached my house guzzled a pint of water, pressed play and started on lunch. 

Recipe to serve 2

Can of plum tomatoes
Unearthed Chorizo
1 tsp of Mum's curry paste
Vegetable oil
Unearthed  Diced Greek Feta with Herbs
Frozen peas
Organic rocket


Boil spaghetti

+ handful of the peas in the last 3 minutes

: Drain and leave to one side

: Chop desired amount of chorizo and fry in a bit of vegetable oil

+1 tsp of curry paste (blend 2 garlic cloves,  chunk of ginger and 1 small green chilli) Or drop me an email and I'll see if I can send you a batch.
+ two plum tomatoes from the can, smash and stir in with spices and chorizo

Tip in the spaghetti, peas and season.

< Serve with rocket and feta

Next time I would try this with monkfish instead of chorizo.

Favorite Song

ê 'A Peak You Reach' and 'Silent Sigh'