12 August 2011

Sweet Beet Salad

9 To 5 and Odd Jobs by Dolly Parton 1980

I have 20 minutes left before leaving the house to get to work and be 10 minutes late. Why have I decided to blog? Because I don't have enough money for lunch so have to think quick and make a salad for lunchtime, otherwise yoga after work will leave me struggling in the back row. 

And I am a front row yogi!

Recipe for 1

100g spinach
50g sweet potato curry
70g rocket
1 cooked beetroot chopped
tablespoon of grapefruit and honey dressing


: Put everything in a big bowl, use a tablespoon, spaghetti grabber or whatever you can grab to stir.

9 I used sweet potato curry from last night, I like eating it cold. 

If you don't have this, the recipe is featured in June 2011. 

; Don't forget breakfast, get your bowl of cereal or toast ready!

< Put salad in a clean take away plastic container, and lunch is ready.

Next time
 I will get up earlier
You could use left over curry from the night before if sweet potato is not your thing.

ê '9 to 5' by Dolly Parton

More like a 10 -5 day for me!
