4 May 2011

Artichoke and Asparagus Risotto

I was so hungry after yoga this evening, instead of throwing together something quick and easy. Strangely I ended up cooking a dish that takes a while.



Two little artichokes boiling until leaves fall off, chop off stem and tips.

150g risotto rice

1 garlic clove crushed

Half of red onion, chopped.

Sprinkle of cumin seeds

Olive oil

Dash of white vinegar

300ml vegetable stock

One celery stick chopped.

Asparagus tips


Bit of butter


While artichoke is boiling.....

Add the oil and cumin seeds to a large frying pan

Add onion, garlic and celery

Then dry risotto rice, fry for one minute.

Then pour in 50ml of the stock at a time until rice absorbs it

Add butter after 100ml

Then add artichoke leaves...not the middle part.

Keep this on a low heat and stir every so often.

Taste rice to see if cooked, and add asparagus with Parmesan.

Sprinkle some parsley.

You should buy asparagus this time of year, its green and good.
