19 May 2011


When I was at Rushmore School last Sunday quite a few people felt 'bad' or guilty about buying a brownie or cake.

All I have to say is:

"IF YOU WANT IT GO FOR IT" and this doesn't always apply to food.

Hopefully you should feel better after this:

I only use wholemeal plain or self raising flour

The chocolate is ALWAYS organic and majority of the time Green and Blacks. Costs me a bit more than dairy milk but definitely worth it.

Brown sugar baby

Unsalted butter all the time

Good oils and a variety of them too

Yeo valley full creams

Fruit from Clapton Village

Organic semi skimmed milk

No salt ever added, there is enough natural salt in food already.

BIG jumbo raisins
BIG nuts

Philadelphia cream cheese full fat

It sounds like I use wholesome, full fat, low salt ingredients.

When I want to make a sponge interesting I squash a few fruits. No harm, it will just taste a bit sweeter :)

I will keep on adding if something new enters the bowl....