22 May 2011


'Lungs' is on and I'm on a creative roll....

This is a random post but just realised how many of us look at pictures of food and say or think how good it looks or how delicious that would be this weekend.

So look then cook

because you can!

The next picture you see of a dish that you like...cook it.

Even if it's on TV, it's tempting to send someone to the supermarket to buy it ready made but it will work out cheaper if you buy the ingredients and cook it. This way you might even find yourself adding some cheeky extras.

I see so many kitchens with cookbooks gathering dust. It makes me a bit upset and I think its a shame that you choose to struggle with cooking something when the inspiration could be on the top shelf.

Sorry if the above sounded harsh or unfair, I understand most people have a hectic routine and don't have time.

Even feeding a family can be tiring after your day at work.

BUT even throwing a salad together or looking in a recipe magazine could inspire and possibly make you happy by releasing the stress while whisking or stirring.

Try and get loads more people involved, you will be surprised there might be a little Jamie Oliver in the making.

Email me if you are unsure. About the food maybe not the stress.

It's healthier, because YOU know what's going in your mouth, and this my friends is very important :)

So spread the word about this blog post.