16 September 2011

Tomato and Artichoke Soup

 'These Streets' By Paolo Nutini

Ever had a random song that enters your head in the morning? 

For me it was 'Jenny Don't Be Hasty' by Paolo Nutini. I bet Paolo likes chunky soup or maybe a chicken biryani. If anyone could let me know that would be great!

Anyway I made this soup because I stupidly skipped breakfast and went to a ridiculously early yoga class. I was so hungry and tempted to buy a cheap sandwich, but could feel myself getting ill.

This soup sorted me out.

Serves 4


18 cherry tomatoes 
3 marinated artichoke hearts in olive oil, diced
1 clove of garlic crushed
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tablespoon of tomato ketchup
Olive oil
1 small chopped onion
1litre of water
Crème fraiche

You will need a hand blender!


: Chop the cherry tomatoes in quarters

: Fry the onions with garlic and ginger in a large pot

+ tomatoes

+ artichokes

+ water

: Simmer for 10 minutes until the tomatoes are soft

: Take off the heat and blend in the pan until smooth

< Serve with dollop of crème fraiche and crusty seeded bread

Warming and soothing soup, great if you feel like you might be getting a cold. Lovely to make for friends that need cheering up and don't feel like chewing anything.

Next Time:
⤵ Red pepper soup

Other Favourite Song:

ê 'New Shoes' By Paolo Nutini